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A member registered Apr 01, 2020

Recent community posts

I created an account only to comment this.

First of all, I'm so so so sorry you had to live such a terrible experience. I can't even begin to imagine how damaging it is, how terrible to remember, how wounding... I can only relate to the paralysis felt in a particular moment, to the self-doubting, to the fear and the tension, and that is but a fraction of it.

Then again, I do want to congratulate you on rebuilding your life. I'm really impressed and humbled at the massive amount of work you must have done to place trust in anyone again. To trust yourself, even if you were the victim. To trust your friends, who were trying to open your eyes. To trust anyone else in general... Seriously, hats off to you.

Lastly, I want to give you a massive thank you for sharing your experience. I won't pretend or claim to understand what it feels like, but at least now I have a glimpse. An extremely valuable reminder for the future.

Hope this masterpiece reaches a lot of people. This is a topic that isn't discussed enough.